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  • Matrix Astrology

    The following is the sequence of educational events that led to my better inner-standing of Astrology: It begins when I not-so-randomly discover Ola Wolny's videos on Youtube How Astrology is a matrix program I LOVE Aeon Byte, however the sometimes long intros can be skipped over. The first two are about the matrix astrology, and the part 3 is a REALLY fascinating take on true feminine alchemy. Ladies, you're going to want to hear this! Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - This is the video I watched where she went through a guy's chart: This is the site she recommends to see the stars in the sky at the time of your birth: Ola’s website to book sessions. I haven't, but thought I'd include it. Then we get into 'TRUE' SIDEREAL... This site is an awesome source for your true astrology... and it's free! True Sidereal Chart Calculator: Why True Sidereal? This page explains it: Cosmic Human Design & Gene Keys This site calculates your Human Design and Gene Keys based on true sidereal, it's a little glitchy, but awesome none the less. Be sure to convert your UTC time and be aware that if you were born late at night the date may change to the following day. Human Design & Gene Keys based on Your True Sidereal: To follow the creator of Cosmic Human Design and hear more about the whos and the whys, check out his videos on youtube: A video where a woman explains the exact 'true' calculation on another app:

  • Where is 'Galactic Center' in Your Chart?

    "The Galactic Center or Galactic Core is a very powerful point in any astrology chart. In Tropical Astrology it’s located at 26 degrees 51 minutes in the year 2000 and epoch. Around 3 degrees Sideral. The G.C. is the Gigantic Black Hole at the center of our Galaxy which scientists are finding more and more about. It is located around 25,800 light-years from Earth. It takes the Sun roughly 240 million years to revolve around the Galactic Center once. The G.C. is the Great Cosmic Void/ Cosmic Womb or Cosmic Uterus of our Milky Way Galaxy. The ancient Maya believed that the G.C. is where all souls enter and exit our Galaxy. It is easy to see, it's the dark rift at the center of the Milky Way arch of stars. The Ancient Egyptians saw the Milky Way personified as the Goddess Nuit/Nut/ Neith she is painted on the ceiling of a Tomb in the Valley of Kings. They intuited that Souls were birthed through the Cosmic Womb of the Goddess. The G.C. is a powerful source of cosmic wisdom. Because the Galactic Centre is so vast, people who have planets conjunct to it within 2 degrees 24–29 degrees Sagittarius get a direct contact to download bits of cosmic info intuitively. They gravitate to others who also share natal contacts or transiting contacts to this point. Those with G.C. contacts need to put the big picture pieces of the puzzle together. All you have to do is tune into it. Sagittarius is the sign of the Mystic, philosopher, the one whose arrows are always pointed up at the Milky Way. Sagittarius is considered to be a most spiritual sign because the G.C. is the origin of this Galaxy. The Earth is always in the sign of Gemini relative to the G.C. Gemini is an Air sign of consciousness, complementary opposites, ideas, communication and the sign of the enquiring open mind of a three-year-old. In Astrology conjunctions to the G.C. are the most powerful. I have Mercury conjunct the Galactic Center and have always felt this connection to the Big Picture, asking philosophical questions about the meaning of life from a very young age and I do feel the vast presence of the consciousness of that Black Hole as a professional psychic too. Transits to the G.C. also trigger big cosmic insightful times in our lives. Pluto was just on the G.C. in late 2007–2008. The expert on the Galactic Center is astrologer Philip Sedgewick, he is a wonderful writer and has very spiritual insights into the G.C. he is a screenwriter and works with Astronomers and gets to name new exo-planets even. Check out where those degrees are in your chart." - Tara Greene

  • The Basics of Solar Nutrition

    Solar Nutrition is a method of eating based on timing in order that one may synchronize with the movement of the planet, and in so doing, lower stress, conserve energy and live a longevity life-style. It’s not what you eat but when you eat it. It was modernized by Swami Nityananda Saraswati, also known as Adano Ley, who said, “Eat your way to butterflyhood.” Solar Nutrition utilizes the Chinese Biological Time Clock to synchronize the input of nutrients with the organs of the body in their growth cycles. The timing is determined by the placement of the Sun in the sky and its subsequent effect on the growth patterns of plants and animals. Consequently, in the morning, when the sun is low on the eastern horizon, one eats the foods that grow on trees, such as fruits and nuts. In the middle of the day, when the sun is at its zenith, eat things that grow on top of the ground, such as grains and most vegetables and the 2 and 4 legged animals. And at night, when the sun is below the western horizon, eat the foods that grow in the water, underground, or in darkness, such as root vegetables, fish and mushrooms. Five Laws of Solar Nutrition A little of anything is medicine for the system, too much is toxic: Confucius There is a time, a place, a season for everything: Solomon Live to eat in order to get sick. Live to eat in order not to get sick. Live to eat in order to live not to eat. Here’s a typical day’s menu: Breakfast: Soaked almonds, prunes and peaches. Solar coffee comes from the arabica bean (read labels), and has cocoa and maple syrup added to promote healthy hormone balancing throughout the day. Morning snack: Any citrus fruit eaten alone. Lunch: Tofu (or chicken), brown rice, steamed cauliflower and broccoli, green salad. Afternoon snack: Any melon to eat alone; or berries. Dinner: Fish, brown rice, watercress salad. Notes about Soaked Almonds: They should be the first thing you put in your mouth in the morning. This sets the hydrochloric acid levels in the stomach for the entire day. Soak them overnight. Eat one almond for every ten pounds of body weight you want to weigh. If you want to weight 170 pounds, then eat 17 almonds. To estimate your ideal weight, simply measure the diameter of the smallest part of your wrist and multiply by height in inches. If your wrist is 2.5 inches in diameter and you are 5′ 10″ tall, your ideal weight is 175 pounds. Anytime (or one food as therapy): Apple Cider Vinegar, Brown Rice, Ghee (clarified butter), Herb Teas, Honey Prohibited Foods: Meat and Cheese Eaten Together, Black Pepper, Popcorn with Hulls, Melted Cheese, Carbonated Beverages, and Deep Fried Foods. Adano Solar Nutrition Videos Right Click Here to Download a Solar Foods List in PDF Format Solar Foods for Morning Midnight to Noon Local Standard Time (not Daylight Savings Time) Right Click Here to Download a Solar Foods List in PDF Format Italicized foods are weight-loss foods Nuts: Almonds (see important note above about Almonds) Brazil Cashews (must be roasted) Coconut Filbert Hazelnut Macadamia Pecans Pinon(Pine) Sweeteners: Maple Syrup Honey Coffee: Arabica Fruits: Apples Apricots Avocado (eat alone, not with any other fruit) Banana Cherries Dates Figs Guava Mangoes Olives Papaya Peaches Pears Persimmons Plums Pomegranates Prunes Citrus Fruits: Eat Alone Grapefruit Kumquats Lemons Limes Oranges Tangerines Oils: Almond Apricot Avocado Coconut Cream (not milk) Olive Walnut Anytime (or one food as therapy): Apple Cider Vinegar Brown Rice Ghee (clarified butter) Herb Teas Honey Solar Foods for Afternoon Noon to 6 PM Local Standard Time (not Daylight Savings Time) Right Click Here to Download a Solar Foods List in PDF Format Italicized foods are weight-loss foods Breads: all kinds if baked properly Cheeses: all kinds if natural Meat: fowl, lamb, beef, venison, and pork Seeds: Caraway Chia Flax Poppy Pumpkin Sesame Sunflower Vegetables: Artichokes - Globe Bitter Cucumber Bitter Melon Squash Bok Choy Broccoli Brussels Sprouts Cabbage - all kinds Cauliflower Celery Cereals - all kinds Corn - fresh Cucumber Dried Beans - all kinds Dried Peas - all kinds Eggplant Endive Escarole Fresh Beans - all kinds Fresh Peas - all kinds Grains - all kinds Greens - all kinds/garden & wild Herbs - culinary (Cooking) Lettuce - All kinds Okra Parsley Hot Peppers - Cayenne only (capsicum) Sweet Pepper - Bell, yellow banana Pumpkin Rhubarb Sauerkraut Spinach - must be raw Sprouts - all kinds Squash - all kinds Sugar Cane (good brown sugar) Tomatoes Oils: Butter (Clarified) Safflower Sesame Soy Sunflower Wheat Germ Sweeteners: Cane sugar Brown sugar Honey Molasses Sorghum Syrup Fruits: (best at 3PM - 5PM) Blackberries Blueberries Boysenberries Cranberries Dewberries Gooseberries Grapes Raisins Raspberries Strawberries Melons: Eat alone Cantaloupe Casaba Honeydew Watermelon Afternoon or Night: Brewer’s Yeast Miso Tamari - Soy Sauce Tofu Vegemeats Anytime (or one food as therapy): Apple Cider Vinegar Brown Rice Ghee (clarified butter) Herb Teas Honey Solar Foods for Evening 6 PM to Midnight Local Standard Time (not Daylight Savings Time) Right Click Here to Download a Solar Foods List in PDF Format Italicized foods are weight-loss foods Fruits: Pineapple Prickly Pear Cactus Protein: Fish, Seafood, and Eggs Nut-like: Peanuts - must be roasted Water Chestnut Oils: Butter (Clarified) Garlic Peanut Vegetables: Artichoke - Jerusalem Artichoke Hearts - Globe Asparagus Shoots Bamboo Shoots Beet Bok Choy (Bottom 4 inches) Carrot Celery - bottom 4 inches Celery Root Dulce Edoes Garlic Ginger Root Hearts of Palm Horseradish Jicama Kelp - all kinds seaweed Leeks - bottom 4 inches Lotus Root Malanga Manglewurzel Mushrooms Nopalitos Cactus Onions Parsnips Plantain Potatoes (Red, white & sweet) Radishes (red, black, cohosh, daikon) Rutabagas Scallions - bottom 4 inches Sea Cucumber Taro Root Turnip - all kinds Watercress Yams Yucca Root (Cassava) Sweeteners: Honey Miel de Maguey (syrup from Maguey Cactus) Sea Salt Afternoon or Night: Brewer’s Yeast Miso Tamari - Soy Sauce Tofu Vegemeats Anytime (or one food as therapy): Apple Cider Vinegar Brown Rice Ghee (clarified butter) Herb Teas Honey Reposted from:

  • StoryBrand Convo - Part II

    WITH ÏTZA BELLA AND MATTE REFIC Click this link to listen in on our 3/5/21 conversation: I've started recording some interesting conversations with friends - especially if I feel it can benefit others.... So, I have a weekly call with my dear Sirius brother/friend artist Matte Refic and we share notes on 'Business Magic' - the books we read, the progress we're making, and what we've learned over the past week. These virtual meetings can go pretty long, but they're really fun cause we go OUT THERE - like, we're orbiting the galaxy in some of these calls 😂🪐💫☄️. I tell you this: you are highly unlikely to hear this perspective anywhere else. What I especially dig about my conversations with Matte is we both share a love of going into the world's manipulated systems and finding inventive ways of applying our magical knowledge-base to upgrade the systems for the good and betterment of others. I wish you could let me know what you think (there's no commenting on this page yet)... DM me and lmk so I can take the temp on sharing this kind of thing... much love! PS this is a LONG one...

  • StoryBrand Convo - Part I

    WITH ÏTZA BELLA & MATTE REFIC Click this link to listen to our 2/26/21 conversation: Matte Refic and I are both on a mission to crack business codes, and get our works out into the world. We are reading many great books on growing a business. Subjects include: copywriting, click funnels, marketing, and more... Every Friday we have a standing call time to swap information and knowledge we've discovered. Matte and I are both artists, students of the Magic, the art of co-creation and Life itself. In over 15 years of knowing him, these have been our consistent practices. I consider Matte a master of many things - most notably 'Shadow Work'. I don't think there is a person on the planet who knows more about this work than he does. I would also add that this is of deep importance - as humanity is currently being forced to clear out their internal basements. It's imperative that we light workers unite, share information, and help each other get our works out into the world. The way I see it is this: if Matte and my's conversations can serve, then it's our duty to share it. Hope this brings you some inspiration on your empire building journey! Much Love, Ïtza B. Cover art by the great talent Andy Gilmore @a__gilmore

  • Reduce EMF

    I have listed 11 basic steps below for you, but I have a far more comprehensive 25-page PDF that you can download from my site here. Most of the information in the PDF in the above URL is from my new book, EMF’D, 5G Wifi, and Cell Phones: Hidden Harms and How to Protect Yourself that came out February 18, 2020. Connect your desktop computer to the internet through a wired connection and be sure to put your desktop in airplane mode. Also avoid wireless keyboards, trackballs mice, game systems, printers, and house phones. Opt for the wired versions. If you must use Wi-Fi, shut it off when not in use, especially at night when you are sleeping. Ideally, it is best to work toward hard-wiring your house so you can turn off the Wi-Fi at all times. If you have a notebook without any Ethernet ports it is easy to purchase a USB Ethernet adapter that will allow you to connect to the internet without a wireless connection. Shut off the electricity to your bedroom at night. This typically works to reduce electrical fields from the wires in your wall unless there is an adjoining room next to your bedroom. If that is the case you will need to use a meter to determine if you also need to turn off power in the adjacent room. Use a battery-powered clock, ideally one without any light. I use a talking clock that I merely press a button to determine the time and never see any light at night. If you still use a microwave oven, consider replacing it with a steam convection oven, which will heat your food as quickly and far more safely. Next to induction stovetop burners, microwave ovens are likely the largest EMF polluters in your home. Avoid using “smart” appliances and thermostats that depend on wireless signaling. This would include all new “smart” TVs. They are called smart because they emit a Wi-Fi signal and, unlike your computer, you are unable to shut the Wi-Fi signal off. Consider using a large computer monitor as your TV as they don’t emit Wi-Fi. Refuse smart meters as long as you can or add a shield to an existing smart meter, some of which have been shown to reduce radiation by 98 to 99 percent. Consider moving your baby’s bed into your room instead of using a baby monitor, or use a hard-wired monitor. In any case, avoid any baby monitor that is wireless. There are some wired options available. Replace CFL bulbs with incandescent bulbs. Ideally, remove all fluorescent lights from your house. Not only do they emit unhealthy light but, more importantly, they will actually transfer current to your body just being close to the bulbs. Avoid carrying your cellphone on your body unless it is in airplane mode, and never sleep with it in your bedroom unless it is in airplane mode (and especially not under your pillow). Even in airplane mode, it can emit signals, which is why I put my phone in a Faraday bag. When using your cellphone, use the speakerphone and hold the phone at least 3 feet away from you. Seek to radically decrease your time on the cell phone. I probably am down to below 30 minutes a month on my cell, mostly when traveling. Instead, use VoIP software phones that you can use while connected to the internet via a wired connection. While you may think the majority of your radiation exposure comes from outside your home, most of it is very likely coming from the items inside your home and the homes of your closest neighbors. Due to their proximity, particularly if you live in an apartment or condo, it may be worth your time to educate your neighbors about the dangers of wireless technology, including cordless phones, smart meters, and Wi-Fi. Certain Nutrients May Help Protect Your Body From EMF Damage While making changes to your physical environment is of the utmost importance, there are a few nutritional interventions you can consider to help protect your body from EMFs. My recommendations include: Magnesium — As a natural calcium channel blocker, magnesium can help reduce the effects of EMF on your VGCCs. Since many are deficient in magnesium, I believe you could benefit from as much as 1 to 2 grams of magnesium per day. Molecular hydrogen — Studies have shown molecular hydrogen can mitigate about 80 percent of the damage caused by EMFs because it targets the free radicals produced in response to radiation, such as peroxynitrites. You can take molecular hydrogen tablets when flying to help protect yourself from gamma rays. It is one of several tips I shared on how to minimize jet lag. Nrf2 — Increasing Nrf2, which is a biological hormetic that upregulates superoxide dismutase, catalase, and all the other beneficial intercellular antioxidants, is also helpful, mainly because it lowers inflammation, improves your mitochondrial function and stimulates mitochondrial biogenesis, among other benefits. You can activate Nrf2 by consuming Nrf2-boosting food compounds such as sulforaphane from cruciferous vegetables, foods high in phenolic antioxidants, the long-chained omega-3 fats DHA and EPA, carotenoids (especially lycopene), sulfur compounds from allium vegetables, isothiocyanates from the cabbage group and terpenoid-rich foods. Performing high-intensity exercises that activate the NO signaling pathway—such as the NO dump exercise—activates Nrf2 and so does intermittent fasting. Spices — Certain spices may help prevent or repair damage from peroxynitrites. Spices rich in phenolics, specifically cinnamon, cloves, ginger root, rosemary, and turmeric, have exhibited some protective effects against peroxynitrite-induced damage. Read full article by Ben Greenfield here: Cover art by the extremely talented collage artist Manzel.




    The Human energetic system is changing - as are the size and colors of its centers. Our bodies are presently undergoing an upgrade that is being transferred to us through light. This makes it an important time to be out in the sun, especially 12/20 and 12/21 - even at night (for astrological reasons). The color frequencies and qualities are also shifting to lighter, more pastel colors. I haven’t fully pieced together the new color system - all I know is that the 4th dimensional human body is lighter and more refined. The centers themselves also seem to be growing larger. As I understand it, we are also gaining an entirely new center in the thymus - as well as thefull integration of the Earth chakra and Star chakra. We have many more, higher-dimensional chakra centers that reach out far into space - but these mentioned are becoming more and more accessible for us to work with in our waking states.

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