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  • Introduction

    Welcome Dear One! You have made the ultimate commitment: to connect directly to Source for answers. Intuition is your most valuable asset, and HBOA is a powerful way to know know your power. Now let us begin by watching the following video.

  • ✷ Terminology

    TERMINOLOGY In this short video, I'll go over some of the basic terminology you'll be hearing throughout your HBOA training. Some words you may already know, others will be reappropriated or shared through the filter of my own personal view/understanding.

  • Survey: Practice 3 - Testing Minor Choices & Decisions

    TESTING MINOR CHOICES Life is a series of choices and decisions to be made. From where you now stand, there are decisions you could make that would surely alter the course of your reality. All day every day, we are called to choose, to decide our fate - most often unconsciously. We're now getting into a different form of dowsing - here you don't have anything physical to test, only a thought. To do this with accuracy, you'll have to stay focused. It is always best to speak the thought out loud in the form of a sentence. Be sure to follow all the instructions previously stated to set the stage for accurate testing responses.

  • Survey: Practice #3

    🌈 EXERCISE FOR MINOR DECISIONS - Apply HBOA to any minor decisions you have to make today. Keep a list of things that pop up and the answers the technique reveals. Notice how this may sometimes differ from what you think. - When possible, take an action step towards the decisions you received. - Notice what results from that action, where that path leads. Did something seemingly unrelated but extraordinary occur. Become aware of the interconnectedness of all things and take notes as a grateful witness. Please remember not bust of out the gates with heavy questions. Once you establish a rapport with your intuition and High Self, once you SEE the miracle of flow in your life - you'll have more confidence and trust in yourself to start asking life's bigger questions.

  • ✷ Download the Guidebook

    This is a guidebook I wrote and illustrated so you'd have something to refer to during, and especially after the course. No need to take notes, all the main instructions you'll be learning are herein. Download the guidebook PDF then: - Have it open to follow along as we go through each section - Or PRINT IT! I'm a big believer in printed material and books At the very least PLEASEsave it to your desktop or external hard drive. I do not recommend only leaving it on dropbox or any cloud.

  • ✷ Choosing Your Pendulum

    CHOOSING YOUR PENDULUM Pendulums are a very personal choices, however there are a few things you should know no matter which kind of pendulum you work with. In this video, I'll share what I know about various kinds of pendulums, and how to choose the type that is right for you. Here is a link to my page of recommendations. Also note: I'm working with a dear friend on designing the perfect HBOA pendulum for this work. Coming soon!... ✷ Be sure to have a pendulum before you begin the training. Once you do, move forward to the next step.

  • Part 1 - OVERVIEW

    OVERVIEW This is a brief overview of what HBOA is all about. It's important that you see the bigger picture before we begin - what you learn in the coming days will begin to fall into the framework you'll now receive.

  • Part 2 - THE HOWS & WHYS

    THE HOWS & WHYS We live in a world of perception. Exactly how the magic of the pendulum works is interpreted many ways by countless people. For 9 years, I've been dowsing and building my own unique innerstanding and the results I get are greatly accurate. What you're about to hear in this video is MY OWN perception - remember that. Try it on for size!

  • Part 5 - THE PROCESS

    THE PROCESS In this video, we go over the process for setting up the circumstances for pendulum success. You may be surprised to learn how important the state of your mind and physical structure are to the process. When in doubt - when your testing seems off - revisit these steps and try again. Here we go!

  • Part 6 - PROGRAMMING

    PROGRAMMING Programming is an incredibly powerful step to the practice. It's the moment you establish a connection and common language between you and your Highest Available Source. Each time you get a new pendulum, you'll repeat this step. Let's get started!

  • Survey: Practice #1 - FOOD TESTING

    ✨ EXERCISE FOR FOODS 1) Test for at least 5 foods that a beneficial 2) Test for at least 5 foods that a weakening 1) Test how food combinations work together 4) Pay attention to how your body feels as you begin to eat foods that are actually good and nourishing for your system 🌈 For the remainder of this course (and hopefully the rest of your life), do your best to eat only the foods and drinks that you test to be beneficial. If you get a 'neutral' response when testing a food, try and avoid it - we want you eating nourishing and beneficial foods as much as possible.

  • Practice 2 - Testing Your Vitamins & Medications

    TESTING VITAMINS & MEDICATIONS Are you taking vitamins or supplements? Do you feel confused about their effectiveness - do you see an actual difference in your health? It could be that a practitioner told you needed them, or your bloodwork indicates a deficiency. Truth: each body is different and would be optimized by it's own indications. Today you'll find out exactly what is correct for you. Remember, this could be different next week - so text them often and adjust according to your body's communications. Your body is about to tell you the correct dosage and even the right time of day to take them. Don't forget to ask about eating before, during or after meals. ✨ Disclaimer: I am not telling you or advising you - simply giving you a tool to ask YOURSELF what is actually beneficial for you at present. 🌈 EXERCISE: - Test each of the supplements, vitamins and medications you currently have. Make a list of which ones test positive, negative or neutral (note: be sure to take them out of the bottle and place them in your hand, as it's more challenging to test through plastic). Place the ones that test positive aside. - Next, test each of the positive vitamins for dosage. Indicate this on your list. "HBOA for me to take one, two, three, of this (Vitamin C)" It is easiest to add them to your palm and test when possible. - Finally, test what time of day is optimal as well as whether it's to be take before, after or with food. "HBOA for me to take this in the morning/afternoon/evening/before bad" "HBOA for me to take this (Vitamin C) with food / without food / before food / on an empty stomach"

  • Practice #2

    🌈 EXERCISE FOR SUPPLEMENTS & VITAMINS: - Test each of the supplements, vitamins and medications you currently have. Make a list of which ones test positive, negative or neutral (note: be sure to take them out of the bottle and place them in your hand, as it's more challenging to test through plastic). Place the ones that test positive aside. - Next, test each of the positive vitamins for dosage. Indicate this on your list. "HBOA for me to take one, two, three, of this (Vitamin C)" It is easiest to add them to your palm and test when possible. - Finally, test what time of day is optimal as well as whether it's to be take before, after or with food. "HBOA for me to take this in the morning/afternoon/evening/before bad" "HBOA for me to take this (Vitamin C) with food / without food / before food / on an empty stomach"

  • Survey: Practice #2

    🌈 EXERCISE FOR SUPPLEMENTS & VITAMINS: - Test each of the supplements, vitamins and medications you currently have. Make a list of which ones test positive, negative or neutral (note: be sure to take them out of the bottle and place them in your hand, as it's more challenging to test through plastic). Place the ones that test positive aside. - Next, test each of the positive vitamins for dosage. Indicate this on your list. "HBOA for me to take one, two, three, of this (Vitamin C)" It is easiest to add them to your palm and test when possible. - Finally, test what time of day is optimal as well as whether it's to be take before, after or with food. "HBOA for me to take this in the morning/afternoon/evening/before bad" "HBOA for me to take this (Vitamin C) with food / without food / before food / on an empty stomach"

  • Practice 3 - Testing Minor Choices & Decisions

    TESTING MINOR CHOICES Life is a series of choices and decisions to be made. From where you now stand, there are decisions you could make that would surely alter the course of your reality. All day every day, we are called to choose, to decide our fate - most often unconsciously. We're now getting into a different form of dowsing - here you don't have anything physical to test, only a thought. To do this with accuracy, you'll have to stay focused. It is always best to speak the thought out loud in the form of a sentence. Be sure to follow all the instructions previously stated to set the stage for accurate testing responses.

  • Practice #3

    🌈 EXERCISE FOR MINOR DECISIONS - Apply HBOA to any minor decisions you have to make today. Keep a list of things that pop up and the answers the technique reveals. Notice how this may sometimes differ from what you think. - When possible, take an action step towards the decisions you received. - Notice what results from that action, where that path leads. Did something seemingly unrelated but extraordinary occur. Become aware of the interconnectedness of all things and take notes as a grateful witness. Please remember not bust of out the gates with heavy questions. Once you establish a rapport with your intuition and High Self, once you SEE the miracle of flow in your life - you'll have more confidence and trust in yourself to start asking life's bigger questions.

  • Practice 4 - Testing Written Lists

    WRITTEN LISTS Life is full of questions, once you start paying attention to your inner dialogue you'll notice there are many firing away - most of which don't get answered... at least immediately. Try something new: as the questions pile up in your head - ranging in categories or topics - write them down on one list. Handwritten lists are the most effective and efficient way of dumping them all out onto a page and 'batch testing' all at once. One reason for the effectiveness is because it's both a physical object (the written list), but not necessary something tangible. The list acts as an anchor, keeping you focused on task at hand, making it less likely that you'll be distracted. In this video you'll learn a simple way to structure your own list and gain a lot of clarity all at once! 🌈 EXERCISE: Throughout the day, keep a list of all the thoughts that come to mind. Towards the end of the day, follow the steps you've learned and HBOA them one by one. Put checkmarks next to the 'yes' answers and an X next to the 'no' answers.

  • Survey: Practice 4 - Testing Written Lists

    WRITTEN LISTS Life is full of questions, once you start paying attention to your inner dialogue you'll notice there are many firing away - most of which don't get answered... at least immediately. Try something new: as the questions pile up in your head - ranging in categories or topics - write them down on one list. Handwritten lists are the most effective and efficient way of dumping them all out onto a page and 'batch testing' all at once. One reason for the effectiveness is because it's both a physical object (the written list), but not necessary something tangible. The list acts as an anchor, keeping you focused on task at hand, making it less likely that you'll be distracted. In this video you'll learn a simple way to structure your own list and gain a lot of clarity all at once! 🌈 EXERCISE: Throughout the day, keep a list of all the thoughts that come to mind. Towards the end of the day, follow the steps you've learned and HBOA them one by one. Put checkmarks next to the 'yes' answers and an X next to the 'no' answers.

  • Survey: Practice #4

    🌈 EXERCISE: - Throughout the day, keep a paper and pen handy. As a question or quandry pops up write it down. - Remember to convert your question into a statement for more accurate testing - Towards the end of the day, follow the steps you've learned and HBOA test them one by one. Recite them out loud while placing your sight and pendulum on the written question. - When you receive an answer, jot down a checkmark next to the 'yes' answers and an X next to the 'no' answers.

  • HBOA1 - Pendulum Training

    ACTIVATE YOUR INTUITION Join us for the first step on your HBOA journey in this foundational and transformative online experience. Learn to program a pendulum to connect directly to your own intuition. In just three days, you will: - Discover the secrets of tapping into your intuition - Unlock the power of the HBOA Technique for precise and reliable answers - Develop spiritual discernment for life's important questions - Cultivate the ability to formulate inquiries that connect with your inner wisdom - Open a direct connection to your Highest available Source No prior experience is required. All you need is an open mind, focused participation, and a minimum of 1 hour of daily practice. This training consists of pre-recorded videos, allowing you to participate at your convenience and pace.

  • Survey: Part 6 - PROGRAMMING

    PROGRAMMING Programming is an incredibly powerful step to the practice. It's the moment you establish a connection and common language between you and your Highest Available Source. Each time you get a new pendulum, you'll repeat this step. Let's get started!

  • Practice 1 - Testing Foods

    PUT YOUR KNOWLEDGE TO THE TEST Today, it's time to put everything you've learned into action. We'll start with something tangible - food! Testing the ingredients you consume is one of the simplest and most impactful ways to apply HBOA in your daily life. Many people embark on a never-ending journey of restrictive diets, hoping to find the magic combination of foods that will optimize their bodies and provide lasting energy. The truth is, there's no one-size-fits-all diet. 🌈 Today, your quest for the perfect diet ends. It's time to uncover which foods are beneficial and which are weakening for YOUR unique system. For the remainder of this course (and hopefully throughout your life), strive to consume only foods and beverages that test as beneficial for you. If a food yields a 'neutral' response during testing, consider avoiding it. Our aim is for you to embrace nourishing and beneficial foods as much as possible. Hit that play button and let's get this party started!

  • Survey: Practice 2 - Testing Your Vitamins & Medications

    TESTING VITAMINS & MEDICATIONS Are you taking vitamins or supplements? Do you feel confused about their effectiveness - do you see an actual difference in your health? It could be that a practitioner told you needed them, or your bloodwork indicates a deficiency. Truth: each body is different and would be optimized by it's own indications. Today you'll find out exactly what is correct for you. Remember, this could be different next week - so text them often and adjust according to your body's communications. Your body is about to tell you the correct dosage and even the right time of day to take them. Don't forget to ask about eating before, during or after meals. ✨ Disclaimer: I am not telling you or advising you - simply giving you a tool to ask YOURSELF what is actually beneficial for you at present. 🌈 EXERCISE: - Test each of the supplements, vitamins and medications you currently have. Make a list of which ones test positive, negative or neutral (note: be sure to take them out of the bottle and place them in your hand, as it's more challenging to test through plastic). Place the ones that test positive aside. - Next, test each of the positive vitamins for dosage. Indicate this on your list. "HBOA for me to take one, two, three, of this (Vitamin C)" It is easiest to add them to your palm and test when possible. - Finally, test what time of day is optimal as well as whether it's to be take before, after or with food. "HBOA for me to take this in the morning/afternoon/evening/before bad" "HBOA for me to take this (Vitamin C) with food / without food / before food / on an empty stomach"

  • Practice #4

    🌈 EXERCISE: - Throughout the day, keep a paper and pen handy. As a question or quandry pops up write it down. - Remember to convert your question into a statement for more accurate testing - Towards the end of the day, follow the steps you've learned and HBOA test them one by one. Recite them out loud while placing your sight and pendulum on the written question. - When you receive an answer, jot down a checkmark next to the 'yes' answers and an X next to the 'no' answers.

  • Practice #1

    ✨ PRACTICAL FOOD TESTING EXERCISE 1) Test at least 5 foods that are beneficial for you. 2) Test at least 5 foods that are weakening for you. 3) Explore how different food combinations work together. 4) Pay close attention to your body's response as you begin to consume foods that genuinely nourish and benefit your system. 🌈 For the remainder of this course (and hopefully throughout your life), strive to consume only foods and beverages that test as beneficial for you. If a food yields a 'neutral' response during testing, consider avoiding it. Our aim is for you to embrace nourishing and beneficial foods as much as possible.

  • Survey: Practice 1 - Testing Foods

    TESTING FOODS Today you are ready to apply everything you've learned up until now. We start simply with 'physical' objects - food is an great place to start! Testing the ingredients you eat is one of the easiest and most impactful ways you can work with HBOA on a daily basis. Most people try one restrictive fad diet after the next - in constant search of the combination of foods that will finally optimize their bodies, give them energy and leave them feeling deeply nourished. Thing is: there IS NO ONE DIET for all. Today, your search is over! It's time to discover which foods are beneficial or weakening for YOUR system. Press play and let's get the party started!

  • Practice 5 - Testing for Accuracy

    ACCURACY Sadly, the world is filled with misinformation. People are often writing and creating content from their own unique perspective, through their own lens. Applying HBOA to gather accuracy is an enlightening process to know what is true and important for YOU now! In this video I'll go over a quick and simple way to test the relevance of an article, book or anything really. Learn what you need to know and discard the rest. 🌈 EXERCISE: Today, pick at least 3 different pieces of information and test their percentage of accuracy. Remember that this is simply what is relevant and true for YOU. There are ways to test for ultimate truth that you'll learn in more advanced levels of HBOA when you're reading the Field Itself.

  • Exercise #5

    🌈 EXERCISE FOR ACCURACY: Today, pick at least 3 different pieces of information and test their percentage of accuracy. Remember that this is simply what is relevant and true for YOU - not Ultimate Truth (there is a difference - there are ways to test that are explained in more advanced levels of HBOA) - Select a piece of information to test - be it a book, article, podcast - anything - State "HBOA for me to test this (book) for accuracy". If yes, proceed - "With 0 being completely inaccurate and 100% being completely accurate for me, this (book) has an accuracy of percentage between 0-50% / 50-100% etc... continue to refine the number until you get the exact level of accuracy. - Make note of your findings. You can always retest the same piece of information down the line. You may find the answers change as your consciousness expands.

  • Exercise #6

    🌈 EXERCISE FOR BODY RECALIBRATION: START WITH 'ALLERGIES' Use your printed PDF of the Body Grids - do not try to attempt this on a computer or iPad screen at first. There's something that disconnects for most when through a device. Later you may want to try - but it's rare that it'll work as fluidly. - Begin by saying out loud "It is in the HBOA for me to know what I am allergic to now" - If yes, proceed by holding your pendulum above the lettered boxes and say one at a time: "I am allergic to something in column A/B/C/D" say the entire sentence each time when you're starting - Begin with the first letter you got a 'yes' test on. If 'A', begin with the first column - Hold your pendulum above each box, starting at the top and working your way down. For some, it is easier to read the words of each box, for others it's better not to know (as their mind may be attached to an outcome). Try both and see which works best for you. - Once you get a positive test, stop and make a note on a piece of paper. - Ask again out loud: "HBOA for me to test another allergy" if 'yes' repeat the process until you get a 'no' Once you've noted all your allergies, take a short break before starting again on the next section.

  • Practice 6 - Intro to the Database 'Body Grids'

    A FULL BODY REBOOT In HBOA2 'Destiny Training' you learn how to apply the technique to navigate our database, to uncover detailed information and instructions from your Highest Available Source. I had the inspired thought to include this at the end of Training 1, so you could really begin to innerstand the true potential of HBOA in your life. The 'Body Grids' are the first section of the database. Building a strong physical foundation is helpful for the rest of the work. The first 4 sections are 'physical', next the 'Mental & Emotional' section, and finally the 'Spiritual'. This is by design, and when you take Training 2 you're taken through them systematically so you can learn each of the sections while simultaneously rebooting your system from bottom to top. Thereafter, you use the database as a daily practice or as needed. Go ahead and download to PRINT these two PDF's, then play the video.

  • Practice 7 - Build Your Own Grids

    BUILDING YOUR VERY OWN HBOA GRIS Each of you comes to this moment with a lifetime of experience, lessons, talents and practices. Beginning to map your consciousness is a fun practice - albeit never-ending as you will never cease to expand. The main reason to do this is so you have access to your tools when you need them the most. The mind and subconscious have a way of causing you to forget the very thing that would help you in a moment of frustration or crisis. Now let's learn how to personalize HBOA. In this video I'll explain more about building your own grids - essentially you'll begin to map everything you can think of, to more easily navigate what you already know. Soon you'll be finding the answers to your questions quickly & efficiently.

  • Exercise #7

    🌈 EXERCISE TO BUILD YOUR OWN GRIDS This is also a great way to navigate your day by receiving your next task, or the next most efficient thing I could do with your time. - Download this PDF attached. Print it out a hard copy that you can write on directly. - Begin to make a list of your daily activities, your projects, hobbies and things you've been wanting to learn or start - From here you have two options: 1) Use the darker headline boxes for overarching 'main categories' (home, work, creativity, social, etc), then fill assign your list to the associated column or 2) Randomly write your list in any available box So long as you initially hand-write your items into the grid, your brain has recorded the act and knows where everything is for future reference - whether you chose to categorize it or not. - Approach the list as you would any other HBOA practice - first, by confirming appropriateness by stating: "It is in the HBOA for me to know or do something on this list now." If you test 'yes' then proceed - "HBOA to know/do something in column A, B, C, D, E, F, G or H" - "Something in row 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6...etc" - Once you find your answer, stop and complete the task. HBOA is a one-step-at-a-time process. Only once you complete the task at hand will the next one reveal. *** Note: Always include a box that reads 'other' and another that reads 'error'. Other: means that there is something for you to do/know that is not yet on the list. Making a handwritten list asking as many questions as you can think of - allow your intuition to speak - until you get a 'yes' answer. Add it to the grid for future testing. Error: is an indication that you're not clear, go back to the section in your PDF titled 'Turning On' - apply a few of the practices, then try again. An Error may also indicate that now is not the right time, or maybe you're avoiding what you already know you need to be doing. - Add to your list as you think of new things, and do use your grids often. This will lead you gracefully to your ultimate flow state - gliding through life, aligning to your destiny pathway.

  • Closing

    Dear One! Congrats! You are a officially a High Dowser ;) I can honestly say that there is no more important work, than to reconnect with your intuition - your most valuable asset. No longer will you look to the outside world for your answers. You now know exactly how to access your Truth. The more we each individually align to our authentic and best selves, the more we inspire others. Change begins within, and a single life lived optimally will create ripples in the Field that become massive waves to humanity. Remember that you are here on a mission, and now is the time! Do what you came here to do!!! Warning: It can happen that the more you expand, the more lonely you might feel. While more than ever, there are still few willing to look deep within. This is why the Telegram group was formed: each of you is on a quest for self-realization and will be of great service to each other. Use this forum! JOIN THE TELEGRAM GROUP Please join the Telegram group for HBOA right now. This is a resource to ask questions or get further information when you forget - no question is too silly and is actually very helpful for everyone else to see and learn from along side you. The key to dowsing with this technique is practice. Don't let a moment of frustration stop you. The more you do it, the more you'll trust the answers you receive. Here is the link: TRAINING CALLS Twice a month I will be teaching a class live online. I'll share new ways to work with HBOA - ways that will blow your mind! I will leave plenty of time for Q&As too. You'll find upcoming dates and times on this page: SESSIONS & CHARTS There are times when we need to reach out for help - it can be challenging to test when you have an emotional attachment to the outcome. If you'd like to book a session with me to receive your HBOA - or get to the root of a specific block, problem or situation - you can go to this page to learn more about the sessions I offer:


    Hello dear ones! As stated in the video, I'd like for you to practice working with your pendulum in the ways described before sending you the grids. Please wait 1-2 weeks, then email me ( and I'll reply with the grids mentioned, as well as a video walking you through how they work.

  • ✷ Choosing Your Pendulum

    Pendulums are a very personal choices, however there are a few things you should know no matter which kind of pendulum you work with. In this video, I'll share what I know about various kinds of pendulums, and how to choose the type that is right for you. Here is a link to my page of recommendations. Also note: I'm working with a dear friend on designing the perfect HBOA pendulum for this work. Coming soon!... ✷ Be sure to have a pendulum before you begin the training. Once you do, move forward to the next step.

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