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1-On-1 Call to Test Your Specific Questions, Root Causes or Realignment Prescription

  • 30 minutes
  • 120 US dollars
  • Stargate Sanctuary


Designed for those seeking specific insights, clarity, or validation on particular aspects of their journey. This shorter session offers a condensed yet potent opportunity to tap into the wisdom of your Highest Available Source. HOW IT WORKS During this 30-minute session, you have the freedom to ask any questions, or follow-ups that arose following previous sessions or treatments. Whether you seek further guidance on a particular issue, require refinement on previous insights, or simply wish to explore specific areas of interest - including solutions to current blocks or diagnosing root causes - this time is used to address your unique needs. Don't have any questions? HBOA can simply reveal and relay your next 'mission' the next few steps your could take to realign to your Life Plan. As with all sessions, Itza utilizes the HBOA Technique to tap into your blueprint, uncovering your unique wavelength. Your questions are tested or navigated through the twelve life categories in the HBOA database, to reveal specific answers, root causes, diagnostics or prescriptions. This shorter session will tend to focus more on information, rather than actual clearings or treatments. However, if the need for a treatment arises it'll prescribed as a next step. You can book more one-on-one time (remotely or in-person), or reserve a spot at the Cosmic Clinic to receive your treatment(s) then. Following the call, you will have a clearer understanding of your issues, including actionable steps to integrate and reintroduce ease and flow. BENEFITS: ✯ Personalized Insights: Receive targeted guidance on specific areas of your life or concerns. ✯ Diagnostics: what root cause, treatment or prescription will harmonize an imbalance you're experiencing. ✯ Validation and Clarity: Gain validation or clarification on previous insights received. ✯ Direct Engagement: Engage in dialogue and ask follow-up questions for deeper understanding. For more in-depth explanation of HBOA, visit the Training pages found in the navigation. LEARN HBOA FOR YOURSELF: Ultimately, we recognize and honor your innate ability to harness these insights and capabilities. Consider enrolling in the HBOA1 training online to learn the fundamentals, starting with utilizing a pendulum to discern what is beneficial or weakening to your system. Access your High Self any time and make daily decisions that propel you toward your highest potential.

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