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3 Custom Treatments in a Group Setting

  • 1 hour 30 minutes
  • 150 US dollars
  • Stargate Sanctuary


Mystery Clinic offers a fun and efficient approach to wellness. This cost-effective option allows you to explore the spectrum and variety of what Cosmic Lab offers in a group setting of no more than eight people, surrounded by like-hearted and resonant individuals. Experience a variety of treatments with our different technologies, devices, and/or modalities - all administered at the precise potencies and durations best suited to your requirements. Each session is entirely unique, just like you :) Once booked, Itza applies the HBOA Technique to identify your whole being’s current needs, ensuring a precisely tailored treatment plan. No guesswork involved on your part; your unique blueprint and personal wavelength guide us to the ideal combination of therapies for you now. Join regularly for weekly maintenance and treatments adjust to reflect your progress, continuously refining your health and luminosity - or just drop-in when you're under the weather as needed. Possibilities include: ✧ Hydrogen & Ozone therapies ✭ Vitamin & Mineral Scans ☄︎ Phototherapy Light Facials ✳︎ Quantum Biofeedback Scan & Treatment ❉ Targeted Spooky2 Resonance Treatment ☪︎ Healy Frequency Treatments ☼ Scalar Waves ❆ Biowell Energy Body Scan ✹ Biomat Infrared Light and Crystal Therapy ☾ Cold Laser Therapy ❂ Magnet Therapy ✶NAET Allergy Therapy ♾︎ Biogeometry Applications & Biosignatures ♡ And Much More ... + New devices or methods may be featured from week to week At the end of your treatment, you may be given recommendations for products that revealed beneficial during testing, a custom prescription formula (sold separately) or important ‘homework' to maintain your newly aligned being. Note: Sequences are tested ahead of time based on the information you'll be providing - photo, full name, birthdate and place (how we locate your blueprint, ensuring we read the correct 'Mary Smith') Should you have any specific concerns to address, be sure to include a short summary in the intake form. LIFEPATH ASSESSMENT For a more extensive, in-depth one-on-one session, explore the ‘LifePath Assessment' which goes beyond the Lab’s healing devices to include powerful energy techniques, soul-level clearing, reversal of limiting patterns and countless other possibilities to re-align to your blueprint and ultimate life path.

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