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Ozone Treatment

Purification & Oxygenation - 20-Mins of Breath + O3 Water

  • 30 minutes
  • 45 US dollars
  • Stargate Sanctuary


Ozone ear insufflation is a type of ozone therapy that involves introducing ozone gas into the ears for various benefits. During your session, a small amount of ozone gas is introduced into the ear canal using a specialized gas generator. This procedure typically takes 15-20 minutes and is painless. **BENEFITS** 1. **Ear, Teeth, Jaw and Spine Infections**: Ozone therapy helps to treat infections of all kinds. Ozone gas can have antimicrobial properties, potentially aiding in the reduction of harmful microorganisms responsible for infections. 2. **Improved Circulation**: Studies suggest that it can improve blood circulation, which may be beneficial for overall ear health. 3. **Mental Clarity**: When administered through the ear canals, many report a reduction in 'brain fog' and a renewed sense of precision and clarity in the mental capacities. 4. **Tinnitus Relief**: Tinnitus is a condition characterized by ringing or buzzing in the ears. Individuals have reported relief from tinnitus symptoms after just one session. 5. **Potential Immune Support**: Ozone therapy supports your immunity. When applied to the ears, it provides a boost to the entire immune system response. Note: Please bring a glass jar to fill with Ozone water. Take it home and drink for up to 24 hours! We administer pure Ozone with our PureO3 Device. The Ozone is prepared for for your intake by first bubbling through water - then the healing gas makes its way through the stethoscope and into your ear canal. It is a gentle process and simple way to intake O3. To learn more about Ozone, check out the Ozone Page under 'Technologies' in the navigation bar. Download a free and very thorough PDF that outlines everything you could ever want to know about this incredible therapy - including countless studies from all over the world!

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